The energy saving is the rational use of energy. Of course, the technical reconstruction of industrial plants and heating, the introduction of new technologies, the disposal of the thermal energy, renewable energy — require huge costs. But the practice of long term european countries ensures that, with the revision, in our daily life, habits and behavior, it is possible to significantly reduce the need for energy. And this does not mean the impairment of the life or under a waiver of the comfort.

Of all the domestic energy consumption the lion's share — 79% goes to space heating, 15% of the energy consumed in thermal processes (water heating, cooking, etc), the 5% of the electricity consumed domestic appliances and about 1% of the energy consumed for lighting, radio and television technique.
What is 1 kw/h of energy?
You will need 1 kw/h of energy to the end of:
- 50 hours listening to the radio
- 110 hours beard electric razor
- at 17, leave on the lamp to 60w of power
- 12 hours to watch the color tv
- 2 hours vacuum cleaner
- to take 5 minute shower
- warm up to 6 degrees of a bathtub full of water (150l)
Energy account
In the laws of the Republic Of Belarus "on energy saving" provides for the applicability of the accounting received from natural persons and legal entities of energy. The work in this direction is in progress and in constant growth. So in all of the new houses, measuring devices installed during construction, and in the centre of historic homes will have to make to ourselves.
This will allow you to:
- pay only the amount of energy resources, that You have received
- refuse to pay for the energy of low quality
- actually save on energy
The installation of energy meters expensive, but its return in some cases, good enough.
Heating of dwellings
Heating costs, the most great article with the bills. In this situation, the introduction of accounting systems allows you to control and manage the receipt and the use of thermal energy. And, importantly, such systems allow the economic leverage in dealings with the supplier. Learn how to use it correctly, in the first place, the thermal energy, in our country — is the most important of all.
Saving electricity
Save electricity with one hand easier, in most cases, there is a framework of accounting, and the activities give an immediate economic effect. On the other hand, the most difficult, because there is no activity, let you get immediate savings on to you. Therefore, the electric energy savings — subtle, painstaking and constant work. Electricity in the house represent 9-10% of all the energy required. And even if during the use of appliances energy savings opportunities (with respect to the heating and hot water) are limited, but You pay the accounts, We see that this type of energy is relatively expensive. When purchasing appliances, pay attention to the energy consumption, compare various models and manufacturers. In a family of 4 people is 1/5 of the electrical energy are in the care of the things, the clothes. The use of modern technology and the change of our habits can save you up to 40% of electrical energy.
Did you know?
Through a faucet that drips water (10 drops per minute) shows up to 2000 litres of water a year. And if each of the four members of Your family, it leaves open the water tap only 5 minutes per day, you lose 7 kwh of energy to throw them in the huge quantities? The shower is much more affordable than taking a bath. Taking a bath (140-180 litres) You spend three times more energy than taking a 5 minute shower. Nebulizers on the crane allow you to make more efficient use of the water.

Any equipment should be chosen according to the needs. Probably many will agree that to purchase a professional office cleaner for a small apartment impractical, as a powerful washing machine 7 kg of washing for small family. And again, appliances are now increasingly happens in energy saving. I am of the opinion that it is more expensive. In reality it is not so, or, in any case, it's not much, and the savings in the operation impact several times.
Energy saving with the use of lighting
Light in the house should be very, has a beneficial effect on health, and in general it is warm and comfortable. However, very bright light acts irritating the most effective way to use the local point of light. Now for sale is a lot of variety of chandeliers, floor lamps, wall lamps and hanging lamps. There is the possibility to choose depending on your taste, the interior, and the portfolio. Use relevant type of lighting: in The workplace (it is not important to write or work at the kitchen table) is good to use fluorescent lamps LD with soft light. If it is a desk, behind which and above all, your child spends a lot of time, it is desirable for this lamp is equipped with an electronic ballast at high frequency. In the hallway and in the kitchen, where the light sometimes is on all day, it is recommended to use compact fluorescent lamps. They are more expensive than normal light bulbs, but if you are not used to turn off a light, will pay off quickly. All the more so that the luminous flux does not have big, so have replaced with success the too powerful incandescent lamps.
The use of an advanced system of technical lighting (energy saving lamp, lighting) can save up to 60% electric energy. The economic condition of use of lighting — planning of compliance with the lighting requirements and that is installed in the lighting system technical Mnogoplanovo chandelier on the ceiling provides illumination of the entire environment, but it leads to undesirable results training shadow when you are working at a desk, a sewing machine, a corner with the toys. Targeted illumination, despite the lower power bulb will provide better lighting without trash shadow.
Most of the times turns off to normal incandescent bulbs, the more quickly you burn. Economically off a common incandescent lamp only if You don't need a light for 10 minutes. For the production of a new lamp requires more energy than it saves, often turning off for a short period of time. It is important to understand if the energy savings are not as a renounce to the comfort, but, on the contrary, the objectives of energy savings (including the government) is to ensure the necessary conditions of life for the whole population.
Energy saving in the home
Practical ways to save energy in the home does not require large investments and obtained empirically!
Because of the continuous increase of prices of electric energy more and more urgent becomes the ability to limit the costs for its payment. You can do it in many ways. The most fashionable ways of saving energy in the home for those that are associated with the new technologies, on them is written very much. There are, however, opportunities do not require large expenses and specific knowledge, that will help you, if you respect the basic rules of culture of power consumption.
Consider these features in detail:
Energy savings with lighting of common areas
Typically when considering this problem that offer the installation of motion sensors and energy-saving lamps in the stairs and in the cellars. In this case, the issue price, together with the cost of installation can reach great heights.
A simple way is the one you are putting the diode (300V, 3A) to break the thread, which includes the lighting in the entrance or in the cellar. All the work in 5 minutes. Size diode (for example, 1N5404), which is inserted in the body of the switch. The diode allows only a wave of the mains voltage. With a reduction of voltage for incandescent lamps down their power consumption and greatly increases their lifespan. The author himself has been witness of the life of the incandescent lamp, after such correction, within 7 years.

Saving electricity in the kitchen
If you are using an electric kettle, not necessarily before boiling fill up to the brim. Pay as need you right now. The families, however, will heat up again. And again you get a consumption of electrical energy. Power tea pot is usually 1.5-2 kw. This is a significant monthly contribution for the consumer.
If you are using an electric oven, then you should know that the choice of dishes, which does not correspond to the size of the pot, you lose 5-10 per cent of energy, the pots with raised bottom "steals" at 40-60%. Then, the bottom of the pot must be smooth and with dimensions corresponding to the diameter of the plate. Remember that the rapid evaporation of boiling water, when it increases the cooking time by 30 percent. After the boiling of the liquid is necessary to reduce the power supplied on the heating plate.
Saving electricity during the dry
Read the instructions for the manipulation of household appliances. Not all machines choose the optimal amount of water during the incomplete download. More water and the washing temperature, the more energy it consumes the machine. Partial-load machine easily develops up to 15 per cent of energy, when the wrong washing program by up to 30 percent.
Energy saving lighting in the apartment
Usually in apartments with long hallways and in the kitchens, always the light on. In these areas, in the first place, it is worth to replace incandescent bulbs with energy saving bulbs. These lamps have a warranty of at least a year. In this period they are completely will pay and they will also provide a budget savings. Lamp power of 14 Watts corresponds to approximately 60 W incandescent lamp. Only choose a lamp of a well-known company.
A substantial reduction in the consumption of energy will lead to the use of bright backgrounds and ceilings, transparent and bright curtains, a moderate amount of furniture and colors in the room. Do not ever neglect the natural light.
The energy savings during the use of the fridge
If you buy new appliances, choose their category A. These units, in the design phase, develop as energy-saving. If you are talking about refrigerators, of them are worth to install in shady and cool apartment. If you have a compressor fridge, and not using the cold storage, and disconnect the compressor. Usually automatic of the fridge allows.
Saving electricity during the ironing of clothes
Try not to dry excessively linen for the house, because when ironing, you'll need more warm iron and more time to achieve the desired result. Another "trick" that allows you to reduce costs, is the use of aluminum foil, which falls under the fabric that covers the ironing board. The foil does not give thermal energy to dissipate and concentrate on smoothing the fabric.
The energy savings during the cleaning of the house
When you use the vacuum cleaner often throw away the junk from one container to the collection, wash or replace the filters in the input and output of air. Additional resistance to airflow causes overheating of the motor of a vacuum cleaner and a sharp increase in the consumption of electricity. For example, during the filling of the container for the collection of the powder of 30%, the energy consumption grows by 40-50%.

Energy savings when you disconnect the duty mode of consumer electronics
A few people think that the stand-by mode of household appliances is a hole in your pocket, through which to channel Your money. For example, the tv with a diagonal of 54 cm "eats" in stand-by mode 9 kw, a stereo system, 8 kw, video player, 4 kw, etc Count your appliances, as they have standby mode? But is it really so difficult to click on the on/off button? There is another aspect, are constantly connected to the network and its crash you can lose everything. There have been other cases.
Power saving when you unplug the charger mobile phones
Of course, the loss of what these devices are constantly included in a power outlet, is not so great as from other household appliances. However, the "charger of the" are pulse power sources, such devices "don't like" working without load. When it is not connected to the mobile phone, media player, laptop computer, etc. these devices heat up, break down and can cause a fire!
Computers, the internet, etc.
If you are not using the computer, for example, if you are gone for work or study, prudent to turn off the costly technique. It renews the resource equipment and reduce the energy consumption of an apartment. Also, no-one will be able to steal your data, and developments in your absence, after all, the computer will be turned off.
Take advantage of these simple tips, and you'll save your money, power, and the nerves. For sure you will be able to offer ways to save energy in your home. Train your brain and share the results with others. The greatest happiness in life is the happiness of human communication!